Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to change your BV Commerce Theme bv2004

These are the instructions on how to change your theme in BV Commerce. Changing your theme will reflect a new look on your entire website. Don't forget, if you have customized your theme, those customizations won't be reflected in other themes.

If you would like to make small adjustments to your theme, for seasonal changes (Christmas), then we recommend copying your existing theme, and changing the new one. This way, you can use it each year. A discussion on that is in here too.

How to change your theme
  1. Log in to the administrator
  2. Click on the settings tab
  3. Click Themes in the left hand navigation. This will list all of your themes. Note, the theme names are the same as the theme directory names in your BVThemes directory located on your server.
  4. Click the select button next to the theme you wish to use.

If you want to create a new theme and have it list here, here's how to do it. Note, you will need FTP access to your site to complete this task.

  1. First step is to obtain a copy of a theme you would like to use.
  2. Using your FTP software, log into your site.
  3. Browse to the directory labeled BVThemes
  4. Here, you will see all of your themes you are using.
  5. Download one of the directories.
  6. On your local machine, change the name of the directory.
  7. Make any edits you wish whether it's stylesheet changes or graphic changes. The stylesheet is called styles.css and will be found in the directory you just downloaded.
  8. To allow your new theme to show up on the website, upload your newly named directory.
  9. When you go back into the administrator as described above, you will now see your new theme.
  10. If you would like to use your new theme, simply click the select button next to your new theme. Instructions were given above.

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