Monday, February 26, 2007

Cross Sells and Upsells

Ok, so what are these things.

Cross-sells: Think of cross sells as a potentially competitive product. Maybe even a similar product with more features. We recommend choosing a similar product which is slightly more expensive. As an example, if you were selling an an HP printer, you could have the HP printer deluxe as your cross sell. This will show up on your product detail page.

Up-sells: Think of up sells as something you want to sell to your customer that they may need when they purchase this product. For example, in following with the HP Printer example, an upsell may be printer cartridges. Retail companies are famous for this. A lot of times, they will reduce the cost of the main product (printer) to sell you an overpriced upsell. This is done a lot of times with printers and printer connection cables. This does not show on your product detail page.

One BIG note, the upsell will show up (if configured correctly) right after you click on "Add to Cart." So, if you add it and don't see it on your product detail page, click on the "Add to Cart" button to see your results.

Another BIG note, don't forget, you can add customer choices to your products instead of doing an up-sell or cross-sell!

Here is BV's definition:

Up Sells and Cross Sells offer the ability to market other products in your store to a customer while they’re viewing a product or attempting to add a product to their cart. Up Sells/Cross Sells can be added from the “Up Sells/Cross Sells” menu on the edit product page.

You can configure how the Up Sells are displayed to the customer under the Options > Orders menu. Depending on these settings, the Up Sells will either be displayed in an intermediary screen between the product and cart page or on the cart page itself. If a customer chooses an Up Sell product, the chosen product will replace the original product the customer was adding to the cart.

Cross Sells:
Cross Sells are very similar to Up Sells; however these products will not replace the product being added to the cart. These are normally “recommended” products or products that a customer may want to add to their cart in addition to the product they’re purchasing.

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