Monday, February 19, 2007

Having troubles with the price display? BV Commerce 5

In the new BV Commerce 5 system, there are 4 different prices as follows:
  1. MSRP - Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price that will appear on the site.
  2. Cost - The stores cost of the product. The cost will not appear on the site.
  3. Price - The price of the product is the amount the customer will pay if purchasing the product. The price will appear on the site.
  4. Text - Text entered into this field will replace the price shown on the store. This feature helps compliment minimum advertised pricing policies. Example text may include “Add to Cart for Price” or “Too low to show”.

Initially, a lot of customers started adding the price to this field... Don't do it. When shown with the other prices, it adds a lot of confusion, especially if there are customer choices which include a price. Therefore, don't put your price in the text field. Instead, use standard text as mentioned above.

Also, double check to make sure your Cost is lower than your price or MSRP.

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