Monday, March 19, 2007

How to add a downloadable file to your product

Let's say you want to sell something that a customer can download, follow these instructions. Examples of downloadable things to sell would be pdf books, software executables, graphics, etc.

Here's how to do it:
  1. Log into the administrative section of your website
  2. Click on the main tab "Catalog"
  3. Browse for your product and click the "Edit" button.
  4. On the left hand navigation, click on "File Downloads"
  5. Upload a new file to the site: If you are uploading a file, click on the "Browse" button to select your file. Once selected, it will show up in the window.
  6. Use a file that has already been uploaded: If you have just uploaded a file, make sure it says "File Above". But, if you are selecting a file that's already uploaded, use the drop down box to select your file.
  7. Short description: This puts a user friendly name with the file.
  8. Available for (leave blank for unlimited): Use this if you want to limit how long this file is available.
  9. Number of times file can be downloaded: Use this if they can only download it a fixed number of times. Otherwise, leave it blank so the customer can download it as much as they want.

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