Tuesday, August 12, 2008

How to add a category

How to add a category

  1. Log in to the administrator
  2. Click on the category tab
  3. Click on the categories sub tab
  4. To add a standard category, look to the left of the page, make sure the Static category radio button is selected and click on the new button.
  5. Voila, you have a new category.
  6. When filling out the information for a category, fill out all of the general options for the best SEO results. These options include Page title, Meta description, Meta Keywords, and keywords.

To add a subcategory

  1. Browse to see your category on the category page. For instructions, follow those above.
  2. Click on the option to View Sub Categories
  3. Add your category

Monday, March 10, 2008


It's never a good sign when you wake up in the morning and your site says System.OutOfMemory. No one changed anything on the site, so why is this happening?

Quick answer... All of the other sites on the same server running BV Commerce were running fine. No one had made any changes to the site, so why was this happening. We're going to track it to see if it happens again.

Solution: To fix it, we simply refreshed the web.config. I couldn't tell you why, but for some reason, I knew that was the answer.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Testing email blasts

So, you've put a beautiful email together and hit the send button in BVCommerce. Whew, time to start counting the sales. Then, what, the page shows an error message. Now what, did the emails go out? Who received the emails and who didn't?

The answers to these questions depend on how much information hosting will give you. We had some issues within BV2004 and here's how we answered some of them.

BVCommerce sends out emails in alphabetical order. So, we simply set up email addresses for aaa@[yourcompany.com] and zzz@[yourcompany.com]. This still doesn't give you all of the answers, but it will give you some insight.

So, with the emails set up above, you will know if the email went to everyone. Next step. If your page is timing out, this is a setting that hosting can help with. What's happening is your page is timing out and there is a limit. I'm not sure about most hosting companies, but Randy at Globalweb has helped us. I'd give him a call.

The combination of those two solutions has resolved our problem.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Free Shipping - BV5

Common question, how can I allow free shipping on an option.Here goes:

First, create or open your method of shipping that you would like to be free.

Next, Go to the bottom of the shipping option details screen.
Look for the "Adjustements" Section.
In there, you will see a text box titled "Adjust price by:" Change this to say -100. Next, change the drop down to state "Percentage." Now, click on the Save Changes button. That's it.

Please remember to always double check this by running through a sample order. Happy holidays!