Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Meta Tags (BV2004)

For search engine optimization, one key component is Meta Tags. Below you will find ways and techniques on how you can edit those.

Product Detail pages
  1. Log in as an administrator
  2. Click on the Catalog tab
  3. Do a find all or search to show a listing of the products
  4. Put a check in the box next to the product you want to edit
  5. Click on the yellow edit button on the right
  6. Towards the bottom, under other properties, you will see some bolded options. Click on the option that states Meta tags.
  7. Here you can edit the meta title, keywords and description.

Category pages

  1. Log in as the administrator
  2. Click on the Catalog tab
  3. In the left hand navigation, click on "Categories"
  4. Search for the category you want to edit, then highlight it. (The page will refresh)
  5. Click on the yellow edit button above the list.
  6. Now, you will be on the category edit page.
  7. Look to the bottom and you will see some bolded options in gray. Click on the meta tags option.
  8. Here you can edit the meta title, keywords, and description for this category.

Editing the genral store's meta tags

  1. Log in as the administrator
  2. Click on the Content tab
  3. On the left hand navigation, click on the option Store Meta tags
  4. Here you can edit the keywords and description. You can not edit the store title here. BV Commerce assumes that most of your titles will come from the individual pages on each category and product detail page.

Custom pages

  1. Log in as the administrator
  2. Click on the content tab
  3. On the left hand side navigation, click on Custom pages
  4. Click on the yellow edit button next to the custom page you want to edit
  5. This screen is a little different. Whatever information you put in for the "Page Title" will display as the pages meta title. There is no option to edit the store meta description as this is prefilled from the store meta tags mentioned above.

General Note on Meta tags and Titles

Unless it's mentioned above, there are no other ways to edit the meta tags except through code.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

How do I enter an email address if I place an order through the back end/admin

Original question:
Can you make it to where I make a new order on the backend there is a place for their e-mail address and then that e-mail address is automatically added to our mailing list? Right now there is not a place for their e-mail (only their website) and that is where I have been putting it.

This is a good question because it's not obvious. You can actually do this now in BVCommerce 5.

Here's how to do it.

  1. Log in as the administrator
  2. Click on the Orders tab
  3. Click on New Order in the sub navigation.
  4. The key to placing an order and capturing the email address is on the right hand side. On the right, you will see the options with the username and a blank box, as well as Browse and New buttons.
  5. As a default, always check to see if the customer exists by typing in their name and hitting the Arrow button. This will prevent any possibilities of duplications or mixed accounts. You may also want to choose browse. If you find the right person, their information will prefill in the address information.
  6. If you have a new person, simply click on the New button. This will allow you to add their name and email address.
  7. That's it.

For those of you that have our updated system which automatically adds customers to your mailing list, each time you place an order, their name will be added to your mailing list.